Team ESP or Team Gas Lift?

Meaghan Gipson

Choosing between the two artificial lift systems is always a topic of interest within the industry. Especially, given our current low commodity price environment, where companies are looking for cost savings while balancing the need for production cash flow today and the desire to realize higher prices on future production.

Each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Namely, cost and production volume. ESPs are traditionally more expensive but can move large volumes of fluid. Plus, they generate lots of heat that aids in fluid separation. Gas lift on the other hand, boasts economy, flexibility and adaptability. However, it lags in volume.

Which brings us to our question: Are you Team ESP or Team Gas Lift?

Sometimes infrastructure availability makes the decision for you. Sometimes it comes down to habit and familiarity. But when both forms of lift are an option, you need a way to quickly model the potential production outcomes and understand the economic trade-offs.

That’s where we can help.

Extract’s proprietary XSize design software with nodal analysis can quickly model the production of various lift methods and designs to show you which one is the best for your well—whether you want a design to generate production and cash flow today, or a design that minimizes lifting costs per BOE and leaves reserves in the ground for a higher price in the future.

It takes the guesswork out of the equation, providing you with valuable insights to make critical financial decisions, not just during challenging times in the oil patch, but any time.

So really, the question isn’t Team ESP or Team Gas Lift, but are you Team Extract? We’re here to help you choose the right lift method for your well.

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